KBO Stiphout-Warande is organizing its annual summer activities afternoon on Wednesday July 12th. TTV Stiphout is also happy to participate!
KBO Stiphout-Warande has had a summer activities afternoon for a number of years now
with the aim of getting as many 55+ people as possible moving and also
fantastic and cozy afternoon with a closing barbecue. The goal of
connecting and making contacts in the neighborhood is the starting point here.
Last year it was a big party at the Molenven sports park. Partly due to the support of
Stiphout-Vooruit became a real movement festival for almost 150 participants.
brands were at the closing barbecue.
This year everything will be even bigger with the addition of TTV Stiphout. In addition to the offer of
walking, cycling, Jeu de Boules and old Dutch games and the Clinic Oldstars Walking
Football, Oldstars table tennis and Nordic Walking are added to the disciplines. The
steering group has once again put everything together for a formidable day of exercise and
parties. In addition to your daily exercise, you can now also experience other sports as a senior.
Try Oldstar table tennis, Oldstar Walking football or Nordic Walking and sign up,
possibly with friends, in for one of these sports. You don't need to have any experience, the
clinics are adapted to your level.
Through the efforts of the relevant associations, volunteers and through support from
With our sponsors we can achieve something beautiful.
In these difficult times for seniors, we have been able to maintain the registration fee at €17 per person. Anyone aged 55+ can register for an activity with a
consumption and coffee/tea, cake and finally the barbecue with drinks from 4:00 PM until
18:00 all-in. So you don't have to be a member of an association, just come and enjoy
to participate.
Each discipline has a team leader on site, recognizable by a badge (with a list
of all registered people) who will arrange everything for you, and you can contact them.
Below you choose one discipline that you would like to participate in. They are listed in order
from the starting time.
□ Jeu de Boules from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM (max. 72 people) Jeu de Boules club starts.
□ Cycling in groups from 1.30 pm to 4.00 pm. Start Molenven
□ OldStars walking football clinic from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM. Start Molenven
□ OldStars Table tennis clinic from 2:00 PM to 3:45 PM. Start TTV building
□ Group walking 2:30 PM. Start Molenven
□ Nordic Walking 2:30 pm. Start Molenven (poles can be provided)
□ Barbecue/ Games/ cards/ talking/ watching/ at Molenven sports park from 2:45 PM
To ensure everything is properly arranged, please register before July 1st.
Digital registration for all disciplines on the KBO Stiphout-Warande website: payment is
then also your participation in the closing barbecue. www.kbo-stiphoutwarande.nl
For more information, please contact Willem Jan Verkerk (06-19336219) or Paul Willems (06-
51345595) or Frans van de Kimmenade (0492 546000)